09/11/2021 | 2261 Views
Accessing medical help in Australia may be different from your home country.
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04/11/2021 | 5618 Views
If you have a life-threatening medical emergency, go to your closest public hospital emergency department or call an ambulance on 000 immediately for help.
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25/10/2021 | 1774 Views
A Mental Health Care Plan means you can see a psychologist for six sessions and some of the cost may be covered by your OSHC. After this, if you need more sessions with a psychologist,...
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22/10/2021 | 4476 Views
If you’re not eligible for Medicare, you need an Individual Healthcare Identifier (IHI) to get your proof of COVID-19 vaccinations online.
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17/09/2021 | 2566 Views
Healthdirect Healthmap is an online data visualisation tool designed and managed by Healthdirect Australia. This tool makes Australian health data easily available for population health...
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14/09/2021 | 3068 Views
Australians are one step closer towards travelling overseas again after the federal government released details of a digital border pass.
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30/08/2021 | 2403 Views
OSHCstudents – Outside of Australia’s major cities, access to health services in the after-hours period is difficult. The after hours GP helpline is a safety net health...
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24/08/2021 | 3515 Views
You can connect with a healthcare professional from your home, from work, or from wherever is most convenient, using your device — smartphone, tablet or desktop computer.
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19/08/2021 | 2153 Views
The majority of people with COVID-19 in NSW are under 40. To reduce the spread of the virus, people aged 16 to 39 living in areas of concern can now access priority vaccination appointments.
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16/08/2021 | 6763 Views
Now our AHM OSHC policyholders will be able to see a doctor right from the comfort of their homes!
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11/08/2021 | 11291 Views
Now our Medibank OSHC policyholders will be able to see a doctor right from the comfort of their homes! Medibank OSHC Online Doctor is available for:
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05/08/2021 | 7548 Views
COVID-19 vaccines are free for everyone in Australia regardless of Medicare or visa status. Find out how to access a COVID-19 vaccination if you are not eligible for Medicare.
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