Annalink Corporation and OSHCstudents organization bring various valuable gifts from Vodafone company to you(Australia).🎁🎁🎁
📱Vodafone Sim with $20 smart recharge for overseas students come to Australia.
📱Vodafone Sim with $10 suitable recharge for visitors come to Australia.
Heaps of our customers have received these useful gifts, how about you!?
The special deal is available until 31/03/2016, contact us to receive your gifts soon! ✈✈✈
Annalink Corporation & OSCHstudents:
Website: www.sansangduhoc.vn
🚀HCMC Office: (84-8) 66 848 006 / 66 848 007
🚀Hanoi Office: (84-4) 625 33025
🚀Sydney Office: +61 2 8283 0273
Email: info@annalink.com / info@oshcstudents.com