LASTEST allianz-oshc
OSHCstudents – When you purchase Allianz OSHC through Annalink, you have free access to the Allianz Sonder app, valued at $365/year. The app brings you an innovative solution...
OSHCstudents-Allianz Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) is a specialized health insurance product designed for international students studying in Australia. If you are looking for...
The Allianz Care Mental Wellbeing app is a value-added benefit to Allianz Care Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) members who are aged 18 years or above. Members can access up to...
OSHCstudents - OSHC is Overseas Students Health Care (OSHC) insurance for international students while studying and living in Australia. OSHC is a mandatory condition for student visa...