OSHCstudents – A Mental Health Care Plan means you can see a psychologist for six sessions and some of the cost may be covered by your OSHC. After this, if you need more sessions with a psychologist, and you want OSHC to cover some of the costs, you must get a new Mental Health Care Plan from your GP. A Mental Health Care Plan will cover up to 10 sessions with a psychologist over a 12-month period.
How to find a psychologist
To find a psychologist you can go to the Australian Psychological Society Website.
If you are choosing a psychologist for yourself, bring their name to your GP appointment.
How much does it cost to see a psychologist?
To know the exact costs of seeing a psychologist, follow these steps:
- Call the psychologist before you visit to find out how much an appointment will cost.
- Contact your OSHC provider (you can do this online) and ask them how much money you can claim back. You will need to pay the gap fee.
- When you make your appointment, the psychologist will advise you how to pay. You may have to pay for the appointment upfront, and then make a claim to your OSHC provider afterwards.
More information about seeing a psychologist
For more information about seeing a psychologist contact your OSHC provider or health service at your education provider.
Other ways to get help
Phone Lifeline 24 hours a day on 13 11 14 or chat to them online
If you are aged 25 years or under you can phone headspace on 1800 650 890 or chat online to a health clinician.
You are international students, foreigners arrive to Australia and Australian citizens traveling abroad are looking at OSHC, OVHC, travel insurance, please contact OSHCstudents Team at email: info@oshcstudents.com and our partners for further information and assistance.
OSHCstudents (source:studyinmelbourne)