15/10/2020 | 3923 Views
We are pleased to announce Annalink OSHCstudents has officially partnered with Bupa to offer the following significant products!
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26/09/2020 | 11418 Views
Activating your OSHC policy, you are immediately covered the medical expenses while you’re studying in Australia. OSHC keeps you against the costs of medical treatment when you get...
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04/08/2020 | 9821 Views
In Australia, we see a local doctor (or General Practitioner, known as a GP) when we are sick or have a medical incident. You can make an apointment with any GP in a medical centre...
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12/05/2020 | 3699 Views
How does Sonder work? Sonder Australia provides access to a student safety network, which can provide 24/7 in-person critical incident assistance when required.
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09/05/2020 | 3745 Views
In light of the ongoing uncertainty around COVID-19, Bupa are placing an age restriction on Standard Visitors Cover.
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02/05/2020 | 10293 Views
Now you can easily manage your health cover and access OSHC information on your phone at any time of the day, no matter where you are.
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10/04/2020 | 4029 Views
The Promotion is available to all Eligible Customers who participated from 10/4/2020 to 15/5/2020 and satisfy the requisite requirements ...
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10/04/2020 | 3573 Views
Due to the outbreak of COVID19 (Coronavirus), many international students may be impacted by travel restrictions. We understand this may have raised concerns about their ability to...
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31/03/2020 | 4128 Views
The premium changes previously communicated for Medibank and ahm OSHC will no longer be effective from 1 May 2020.
This will apply for policies purchased or renewed from 1 May 2020...
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18/03/2020 | 6818 Views
1. What are the specific treatments or healthcare services under covered for the students?
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18/03/2020 | 8518 Views
Does OSHC provide cover for Covid-19?
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27/11/2019 | 2488 Views
Sonder Australia provides access to a student safety network, which can provide 24/7 in-person critical incident assistance when required.
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