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How to keep an active lifestyle while living in Australia?

OSHCstudents- As an international student in Australia, you always want to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Here are several healthy tips you should consider when living in Australia. 

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 Find a sport you enjoy.

Do you have a sport you enjoy? Maybe you’re a great hockey player or a talented runner. Whatever your sport of choice, there are many reasons to enjoy it. Physical activity can be a great way to get your heart rate up, release endorphins, and build muscle. It can also be a fun way to socialize with friends or a way to challenge yourself.

Make healthy eating a priority.

When you make healthy eating a priority, you can ensure that you are getting the proteins, carbohydrates, and vitamins that your body needs to stay healthy. There are many different types of healthy foods out there, so it is important to find something that you enjoy and that will fit into your lifestyle.

Take breaks. 

If you find yourself getting tired or overwhelmed, take a break. Maybe take a walk around the block, or take a nap. Giving your body and mind a break will help you stay refreshed and energized for the next round of activity.

Get Enough Good Sleep 

There is a very strong connection between sleep quality and quantity and your immune system. You can keep your immune system functioning properly by getting seven to eight hours of sleep each night.

You are international students or foreigners arrive to Australia, or Australian citizens traveling abroad who are looking for OSHC, OVHC, travel insurance, please contact OSHCstudents Team at email: info@oshcstudents.com and our partners for further information and assistance.

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Baek Ah Yeon

I trust Allianz Care since it is one of the largest insurance companies in Australia, with the medical centres where I only have to pay for what is left from insurance support. (no need to claim later). Besides, those centres are located at the centre of the city, close to schools. Very convenient, right? Credits to Allianz Care for providing reliable medical centres for health check and treatments.

Baek Ah Yeon | University of Queensland

Ariella Pei

I’ve been living with homestay family for 2 years. I’m now 19, I can move out but I don’t want to leave my host, who has become my family. It feels like I’ve met my second family. Thanks OSHCstudents for sending me to this homestay!

Ariella Pei | University of Canberra

Chatchawat Paton

I realised how important insurance was when I started living in Australia. There I switched to using Allianz Care instead of the previous service. Allianz Care is extraordinarily good in its consulting service and customer care. I’ve learned a lot about Australian health care, also I was consulted with mental issues and how to live a healthy lifestyle. I am very happy now.

Chatchawat Paton | Torrent University

Xiaoyu Cheng

Thanks to Allianz Care, every time I claimed my medical receipts it processed much more quickly and easily than I expected. I was initially a bit concerned since Allianz Care is more expensive than other insurance companies, but now I can ensure that it is totally worth the money.

Xiaoyu Cheng | Monash University

OSHCstudents Services


  • PTE Platform
  • Inus
  • Flywire
  • Imagine Education Australia
  • Shorelight
  • Opera City English College


  • King Education
  • North Sydney College English
  • Vodafone
  • HCC
  • Global Experience
  • Allianz
  • Bupa
  • Medibank
  • AHM