OSHCstudents – ‘Gaps’ or ‘out-of-pocket costs’ are the difference between what you’re charged and what Medicare and your insurer (if you have one) will pay for your treatment. A Medical Gap Scheme or Gap Cover can help you reduce these fees.
Many health insurers make arrangements with specialists to reduce the ‘gap’ you pay in doctors’ fees. Remember, a ‘gap’ is the difference between what you’re charged, and what Medicare and your insurer pay for your treatment.
Some insurers call this a ‘Gap Scheme’, and others might call it something different like ‘Gap Cover’, or ‘MediGap’.
Where a specialist chooses to use your insurer’s medical gap scheme for your treatment, they agree only to charge up to a certain fee. Your insurer then pays a much higher amount than what they normally would, so that you pay less or nothing.
A specialist may be part of the scheme, but not use it for your treatment. They choose whether to use it for each course of treatment they provide.
If you have private health cover, contact your provider for a list of healthcare professionals with gap cover arrangements. If you’re treated by anyone on the list and they agree to participate, there’ll either be low or no medical gap cost involved.
If you are international students, foreigners arriving to Australia, or Australian citizens traveling abroad looking for OSHC, OVHC, travel insurance, please contact OSHCstudents Team at email: info@oshcstudents.com and our partners for further information and assistance.
OSHCstudents (source: Bupa)